
Troubleshooting Your Own Computer

Choosing Between Anti-Malware Programs

While the Internet is full of useful features, it does have some drawbacks. For one, it is a domain that invites hackers to try their hand at breaking into your computer. Once they have gained access, they can wreak all kinds of havoc. To resist the attacks of hackers, you need to run threat-detection software. In order to understand how to choose the best threat-detection software for your computer, you need to understand how hackers attack your computer and how threat-detection programs try to stop them.


One of the ways that hackers attack a computer is by using malware. Simply put, malware is software that is designed for a nefarious purpose. Usually, the program masquerades as a legitimate program or piggy-backs on a legitimate program. Once it has gained access to your computer, it will delete data, hold your data for ransom, or steal your personal information. All the while, you have no idea what is going on until it is too late.

Detecting the Threat

Unless you are a programming genius, you are not equipped to deal with malware on your own, so you will need to buy software that will detect and deal with threats for you. These programs typically work in one of the following ways:

1. Definitions—Some programs use a database of known malware to screen the websites you try to gain access to. If the program detects a problem, it will bar the program from gaining access to your computer. The limitations of detecting threats using such a program is that you had to constantly update the database to make sure your software is outfitted to detect all threats. Furthermore, if you come across an undefined malware, the program cannot cope with it. 

2. Heuristics—Other programs work by testing websites and looking for characteristics and behaviors that malware is known to use. The main drawback of such programs is that they may prevent you from accessing some programs that are not malicious.

3. Sandbox—Finally, you have some programs that allow programs to work in a confined space on your program until it can determine what the program is trying to do. If the program performs in the way it is supposed to, the program will allow it full access to your computer. If the program tries to damage your computer, it will delete the malware. Unfortunately, some malware is sophisticated enough to defeat the sandbox detection system.

Final Analysis

When it comes to detecting threats to your computer, it is better to be too safe rather than sorry. Thus, look for threat-detection software that uses heuristics or a combination of methods to prevent malicious programs from gaining access to your computer. 

About Me

Troubleshooting Your Own Computer

Back in the day, nobody knew how to fix computers. If something went wrong in the early nineties, most people had to take their machine to the manufacturer and pray for a miracle cure. However, these days, computer repair experts are a dime a dozen. Unfortunately, some people have a more well-rounded skill-set than others. If you want to have your machine repaired properly, take your computer to a professional computer services business. In addition to making your day a little less stressful, your system can be repaired the first time. Read my blog to learn more tips for avoiding future trouble with your machine.

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