
Troubleshooting Your Own Computer

Secure Password Tips

These days, it often seems that every site on the internet requires you to have some complex, difficult to remember password. This, of course, can get somewhat frustrating, but all of the security exists to keep you safe from hackers who seem to betting better at their "jobs" by the day. Thus, as annoying as it may be, if you want your personal accounts to be secure, comply with those hardcore password demands; they certainly exist for a reason! And, if you own a business, be even more vigilant about managing and securing your passwords since your business itself depends upon it. Security may not be fun, in either case, but it is definitely necessary and doable for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways.

Remember, Access  Can Come from Anywhere

In the past, data and password security, both for professionals and individuals, was fairly simple. Most companies and sites controlled and protected access by only allowing people to log in when they were in range of the correct network or on the right computer. Unfortunately, however, that kind of "security" just does not work in today's day and age.

Today, people can and do log into their various accounts from anywhere and everywhere. What's more is that, in today's ever increasingly fast paced and high powered world, they need to. You really cannot function if people cannot log in from mobile devices, such as phones and tablets.

The key is not to disallow these very important and functional things but to take into account that they are happening and to take security measures that are appropriate. Have people logging in from from remote devices be required to go through extra steps to identify themselves. These "extra steps," may not be fun, but, if implemented appropriately, ideally with help from a security service, it can work, no matter how many people are accessing your network, regardless of from where or how often.

Length Matters

Whether you ultimately choose to go with a password security service or not (and you really should!), remember, whatever your aims and/or purposes that length matters. A lot of factors contribute to password security, but length is the major one to consider.

The average password is only four or five characters long, making them fairly easy to guess for a truly determined hacker. Protect yourself and/or your business by choosing longer, more complex passwords.

Remember, though, that this is no substitute for true security, when it matters most, which can come only from working with an expert password security service.

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Troubleshooting Your Own Computer

Back in the day, nobody knew how to fix computers. If something went wrong in the early nineties, most people had to take their machine to the manufacturer and pray for a miracle cure. However, these days, computer repair experts are a dime a dozen. Unfortunately, some people have a more well-rounded skill-set than others. If you want to have your machine repaired properly, take your computer to a professional computer services business. In addition to making your day a little less stressful, your system can be repaired the first time. Read my blog to learn more tips for avoiding future trouble with your machine.

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